Indonesia Industry Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) together with the Federation of Industries (CNFI) hosted a Taiwan investment Forum titled “Indonesia-Taiwan Industrial Colaboration Forum (ITICF)”, August 6, 2018, Jakarta. Colaborasi investment forum that Taiwan Indonesia appreciated by the Ministry of industry Indonesia.

Of the many investment forums provide ideas and inspiration in the form of investment including implementation of digital business model aims at promoting and enhancing the competitiveness of the industry in both countries in the era of 4.0 at this time.

After the investment forum was held, Director-General of the Industrial Development and Endurance Akses International (KPAII), I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan said viewed from Indonesia’s surplus trade balance against Taiwan. However, there is great opportunity in improving trade balance with Indonesia to optimize the resources industry.

ITICF investment forum was attended by 500 people by inviting the Government and industries of Taiwan and Indonesia that discuss some bilateral economic cooperation opportunities in the future, such as increased cooperation through the exchange of power engineering experts and training, investment promotion and exploitation of industrial collaboration, and the exploitation of other cooperation into the reliability of the two countries.

Taiwan in the middle of the investment forum to explore opportunities of cooperation with Indonesia focused on the manufacturing sector to strengthen the economy of the two. As the shipping industry, metal processing, ICT & amp, Smart City, and food technology is a potential sector for dikolaborasikan.

In the year 2017, the total trade of the two countries reached USD7,4 billion and Taiwan ranked at the 11th as the import or export partners of global trade Indonesia. Meanwhile, Taiwan’s direct investment in Indonesia is around USD397 million making Taiwan investors as the 14th largest order of Indonesia. Meanwhile, the amount of direct investment in Indonesia Taiwan amounting to USD32,2 billion.

The availability of integrated industrial zones, including those outside Java, is a potential huge investment for Taiwan. When viewed from the potential of the manufacturing sector with kawasanindustri characteristics, such as shipping companies the opportunity to invest in the industrial area JIIPE Gresik or at Tenggamus. Whereas, a manufacturer of food processing and biotechnology, can operate in the industrial park Kendal, Batamindo or Sei Mangkei.

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